


Introducing the
Freeze Facial.


Top models and A-List celebrities already know how good the “Freeze Facial” is. The Venus Freeze has proven popular with men and women on the international cat-walk. Cara Delevingne, Yasmin Le Bon and Lisa Snowdon are among it’s fans. And many A-Listers have used the “Freeze” before they step-out for the Hollywood film and TV red carpet.


The Face Lift of
the Future.

They have discovered that the Venus Freeze is ideal for smoothing out facial lines, reducing wrinkles and anti-ageing of the face and neck. In the USA the Venus Freeze has been called “the facelift of the future”. In the UK the London Evening Standard called it the “Magnetic Melt”.

Celebrity Anti-Ageing

Hollywood’s Hottest New Anti Ageing Treatment The leading Hollywood Dermatologist, Dr. Lancer uses the Venus Freeze on many celebrities as an anti-ageing treatment. His clients love it because it is quick, effective and painless! Dr. Lancer says the Venus Freeze Facial treatment “…works well, it doesn’t hurt and it doesn’t require any maintenance. I mean, how much better can you get than that?”


How Does it Work?

Skin tightening, wrinkle reduction and cellulite reduction occur because the multi-polar radio frequency heats the skin all the way to the dermis (very deep into the skin) tricking the skin into thinking that a wound has been created, this forces the skin to repair by stimulating the collagen and elastin production (the stuff that keeps the skin wrinkle free, firm and young!).

Body contouring is achieved when the temperature of the skin is elevated and the body releases stress hormones. These hormones pass through the blood stream and attach themselves to specific receptors on the membrane of the fat cell in the hypodermis (the deepest layer of the skin). The stress hormone, once attached to the receptor, activates the hormone sensitive lipase – the hormone that is in charge of breaking down triglycerides into free fatty acids. The free fatty acids exit the fat cell through the blood stream, and the volume of the fat cell is thus reduced giving you a smoother, more contoured shape.


How Many Treatments will it Take?

Most patients see a result in as little as 3 treatments however, we advise a full series of 6 treatments for the face and 8-10 treatments on the body.
Is it safe

Very safe. However like most treatments it has some medical limitations. A free consultation is recommended if you have any additional questions or would like further advice as to whether this is the right treatment for you.


Is it Safe?

Very safe. However like most treatments it has some medical limitations. A free consultation is recommended if you have any additional questions or would like further advice as to whether this is the right treatment for you.


Are there any Side effects?

The skin can be red initially after treatment (no more than after a run) for an hour or two, but will return to normal colour quickly.

The Treatment Experience


Just minutes away from smoother and tighter skin. The Venus Freeze uses a revolutionary mixture of technologies (called RF and MP2) that time-and-again delivers quick and lasting results for your facial skin problems such as wrinkles, saginess and laughter lines. It is suitable for the face and neck and perfect on all types of skin or colour. Using radio frequency with magnetic pulses the Venus Freeze heats the skin from inside out which stimulates new collagen and elastin fibres. You will see quick and noticeable results to your face, smoother, tighter, whilst also plumping out lines and wrinkles.